William Toel’s vision of a soon to be freed Germany

Elfriede Ammann
11 min readMay 18, 2021

From early childhood on the clairvoyantly gifted U.S. professor of economics, finance and marketing William Toel (*1945) has loved the Germans, Germanness, the German mentality and, above all, the German soul. His partly disapproved and hard-to-live-with love of Germany, which he was unable to give up throughout his life, cannot be explained in family terms. Besides, his British mother hated the Germans. His sincere germanophilia enabled him to receive repeated visions about the near future of Germany, which came true about 1.5 years later.

Having lived on four continents, Toel, looks back on four careers — in the military, banking, global trade relations and academia. He devoted special attention to his research on the German model [deutsches Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Politikmodell] which is not even listed on the German online encyclopedia Wikipedia.
Professor Toel, age 75, has taught students from a total of 80 countries over the past 34 years. 60% of his German students would prefer to expatriate if offered a comfortable resettlement. In Toel’s estimation they perform best on international average due to their intellectual and socio-moral balance.

William Toel waited 34 years until the time was ripe to reveal his vision to the Germans

  • 1977 — Following his inner mandate, Toel traveled to Germany for the first time.
  • 1987 — He foresaw the fall of the Berlin Wall and the German reunification.
  • 1988 — He revealed his vision for Germany to influential dignitaries in Berlin where it fell on deaf ears.
  • 2007 — He foresaw the stock market crash of 2008. Financial leaders in Germany did not take his warning seriously.
  • 2015 — In late fall, he hiked through the five new German states in the East, partly joining the streams of immigrating “refugees.”
  • 2021 — At the beginning of this year, he visited Germany for the 31st time with a message for awakened Germans. In May he returned for the 32nd time.

Instead of meeting again with German politicians, bankers, businessmen or media powers-that-be, he met with Germans mainly from a small- and medium-sized background in private house circles. With the help of local interpreters he gave brief talks and answered questions. In some cases, parallel Zoom meetings ran along. The videotaped sessions with Toel were made available online to a wider audience. From March 19 to April 18, 2021, more than fifty small group meetings were held whose participants did not wear masks or else comply with the Corona regulations. In one case, the local police therefore broke up the meeting prematurely.
Regarding the controversial nature of his meetings with Germans, Toel commented the following day:

  • I am not saying anything that violates German law, but I am saying things that would make the [mind-controlled] German matrix uncomfortable, because they [the opinion controllers] want you to remain controlled and small and down and silent and obedient. If my words, which are truthful words, if that opens the German heart [that’s good].
Interview “Love Germany”, host Jo Conrad, minute 37:37, March 30, 2021

The Bletchley Park Coup of 1943

More than 200 scholars from elite universities were commissioned by the Western Allies to consult on how to permanently break the much-hated German spirit. Mid-1943 they started to convene in utmost secrecy in the sprawling British country estate of Bletchley Park, an hour’s drive northwest of London. The planning of mind control strategy on Germans was finished in early 1946. By means of this perfidious psychological operation, elaborated by a generously financed think tank, the German soul and the German-ness were almost eradicated in the course of 75 years. Some of these civilians who partook in the Bletchley Park coup had been awarded the Victoria Cross.

The coup, kept top secret to this day, was a vicious psyop war crime that injected sophisticated mind control into West Germans in particular over 3–4 generations. It succeeded in transforming them into guilt- and shame-ridden obedient subjects and “second-rate Americans” who were ready to tear each other apart and willingly served as cash cows to demanding nations.

Part 1 of the 3sat TV documentary “Operation Wunderland — Ein Volk wird umerzogen”, 2012

From all sides — politics, education, the media, the entertainment industry — Germans have been indoctrinated with the crippling lie that they are evil at the core of their being.

“It is the fear that a German — unlike all other people — would possess a greater predisposition to evil.”
Simple Booklet by William and Lisa Toel Es ist gut Deutscher zu sein, pg. 5, March 10, 2020

After World War 2, West Germany (not East Germany and Austria) was predominantly influenced by the Americans in ways that went far beyond denazification, re-education and the Marshall Plan. American propaganda experts skillfully steered public opinion in Germany so that the democratic process always conformed to Washington’s dictates.
In a climate of growing tension between West and East, America’s chancellor of choice, Dr. Konrad Adenauer (1876–1967), was built up into a popular anti-Communist (and secretly anti-German) figure who could make rearmament palatable to the “Never again war!” German citizens and whom they were encouraged to follow blindly.

In the spring of 2021, Toel declared:

  • [Partly compiled from other sources] What we did to you was unfair and unjust. It was insidious, cruel and uncivilized. It was done out of hatred. Today I want you to be free of this mental burden. It was a lie. When you are free, you have to live in the truth. All of the mind games have to go away. Your first chancellor Konrad Adenauer (CDU) played this game [split mind pretense]. You can read it officially in the history books of the British historian Paul Johnson (*1928) — or three years ago in the Der Spiegel. Of course, if he had not supported the plan, he could not have become chancellor. Adenauer was very proud to tell foreign visitors from Brazil, China and elsewhere: ‘These Germans cannot to be trusted, either individually or collectively.’ He used the German word for someone different than himself. He also said that the Allies must always be in supervision of the Germans. Even today, you are still an occupied country. And the last thing he said was that Germans must always be held in an iron grip. If not, nobody knew what they would do. It seems to me that your current CDU chancellor Angela Merkel might feel the same way. I don’t think she trusts Germans.
Video presentation William Toel im Norden Deutschlands — Gruppengespräch Teil 1 und 2, minute 15:04, 2:31:57 duration, recorded in Hannover, beginning April 2021, reposted April 13, 2021

During his visit to the eastern and western parts of Berlin in July 1988, William Toel held talks with German leaders — including the then president of Germany Richard von Weizsäcker (1920–2015) and the co-editor of the weekly newspaper Die Zeit Marion Gräfin Dönhoff (1909–2002). He recited to them his vision of the imminent fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 and the resulting steps of transformation of the future Germany. Dönhoff sent him away cautioning him not make a fool of himself in her country. When Toel’s vision was actually fulfilled to the very day, she called him a “dangerous man.”

William Toel estimates that about 4 percent of awakened Germans have realized that the German old-party system is not acting in the interests of Germans. They have “a really good sense that their own leaders don’t trust them.” It is German politicians, of all people, who keep the German people “small and inconspicuous.” Toel compares the CDU chancellor Angela Merkel to an anaconda that is cutting off her prey’s air bit by bit in order to ultimately consume the Germans’ and incorporate them into the serpentine creature.

Germans have no have no real future in the current system that is planned by others — except as a cash cow.

Q&A session, Gespräche mit William Toel — Gespräch Nr. 4, Cosmo Radiocafe, minute 1:09:17, March 16, 2021

The best-known Bavarian clairvoyant Alois Irlmaier (1894–1959) [quoted in: Dr. C. Adlmaier, Blick in die Zukunft, 1950] foresaw that rising inflation in Germany would bring about a revolution.

“First comes prosperity like never before.
Then follows an apostasy as never before.
Then comes an unprecedented corruption of morals.
Then a large number of foreign people come into the country.
There is severe inflation.
Money loses more and more of its value.
Soon after, the revolution follows.”

The PERFECT STORM brewing over Germany

According to Toel, the “Perfect Storm” will break over Germany in the early summer and summer of 2021, as a result of which the people will rise up united enough. He sees the Merkel government disappearing (supposedly even before the upcoming Bundestag elections in September) to look for more promising posts outside the country.
In early January 2021, William Toel predicted:

In the next decade Germany will be a wonderful place to live, to raise children and to be proud of. […] Not the German Empire, but something new will come […] There will be a newness, a freshness, that’s coming to Germany, not going backwards but forward. Germany has to stand on its feet again. It has to find a new breed of leaders.
Video interview Hans-Joachim Müller im Gespräch mit Prof. William Toel — 05.01.2020, TageskorrekturTV, Januar 5, 2021, minutes 21:31, 35:41 and 39:02, posted January 8, 2021

Three months later, Toel boldly added:

I’ve already seen your future. These next five years will be the yet best years in all German history. In five years from now you will be thinking how lucky you are to be a German.
Video Q&A session William Toel im Norden Deutschlands — part 2, Olli Talismann Neue Wege, minute 54:17, 1:09:03 duration, posted April 5, 2021

Germans, whose democracy movement has grown largely during the years of the staged Corona test plague, value Toel as an educator, warner and inspirer. He cautions that chancellor Merkel, transatlantically wedded as she is, and her nodding “garden gnomes” will not heed the concerns of protesting citizens deprived of their basic rights. [☛] However, they will have to give way to the pressure of the divine intervention of the coming “Perfect Storm” in summer/fall 2021.

In his April video interview about the end of Western democracies Ullrich Mies. Das Ende der “westlichen Demokratien?, the German social and political scientist Ullrich Mies (*1951) came to the conclusion (minute 2:24:44) that governments that have submitted to the Corona coercion measures all ignore and harm their citizens.

☛ The governments have decided for themselves they work as adminstrative outposts of the rich and super-rich, the capital accumulation centers, the large corporations, define themselves as such. And then, argumentatively so, they also come full circle, that they have no problem at all with clearing out the small and medium-sized businesses.

Three outrageous trigger storms move the awake Germans to crack.

  1. First storm — 4% [officially admitted] inflation with upward trend as a result of long-term Corona measures and Merkel’s concealed contingent liabilities in favor of third countries.
  2. Second storm — Revelations of continued, yet concealed, immigration of “refugees” during the period 2017–2021
  3. Third storm — The Germans’ forbearance is overwrought due to the increasingly drastic nonsensical control measures within the framework of the staged Corona dictatorship.

What has to change so that the Germans can live their true essence again?

  1. Germans need to develop the ability to think about themselves and ask profound questions; develop courage, overcome despondency.
  2. Germans need to give up the dependence on safety nets; give up the false security of comprehensive thought control by means of political correctness and the feigned “fight against the right” [☛].
    Note: Modern Germany has far surpassed the Gestapo’s level of thought and word control.
  3. Germans need to abandon toxic curricula that overemphasize the horrors and mistakes Germans made in the past and promote the education that provides for positive development in a globalized world.
  4. Germans need to get rid of inadequate political leaders who serve transatlantic interests rather than Germany and muck out elections that change nothing and abolish pseudo-debates.

The “fight against the right” is not directed against neo-Nazis, but against freedom of expression, moral realism and common sense.
Twitter message by retired German philosopher and media and communication theorist Prof. Norbert Bolz, April 19, 2021

Four stations of Toel’s vision for the political-social development of Germany have been fulfilled.

  1. Step — Fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989
  2. Step — Reunification of East and West Germany
  3. Step — Dramatic collapse of the Soviet Union
  4. Step — Reunified Germany attains enormous prosperity and rises to the status of a great power.

The fifth step of Germany’s political-social development is yet pending. [Status 5/2021]

Step 5 will be fulfilled in 2026–2031.
As a result of the momentum triggered by the “Perfect Storm,” which is expected to occur during summer 2021, Germany will use its new strength to go out into the world as a peacemaker and bridge builder thereby filling the gap left open in 80 states with over 2 billion people as a result of the continued withdrawal of the United States of America from them.

The requirements for Step 5 are already met — regardless of Germany’s position within or outside the political system of the EU.
What the Germans are lacking is the courage to tackle this daring task.

  1. The great sense of social responsibility that is deeply rooted in the consciousness of those who grew up as Germans and are familiar with German history
  2. The widespread and global infrastructure that is the product of the typical German work ethic and is a true treasure for Germany
  3. The good reputation and prestige that Germany surprisingly enjoys, but has also worked hard to earn
    Independent surveys [Deutschland in den Augen der Welt. Ergebnisse der GIZ-Erhebung 2017/2018], from 2014 found that Germany ranks first in the world for trustworthiness.
  4. A social, economic, and political model that finds admirers and imitators worldwide; a well-tested system that is second to none

Out of the dissolution crisis into a spirit-driven new dawn.

  • William Toel’s message is that, after 75 years, the political system of post-war Germany can and will undergo a lasting transformation on the basis of a divine providence (Perfect Storm).
  • The American sociologists William Strauss and Neil Howe discovered that history fulfills itself after the expiration of a four-cycle with four decided stations within four generations (4x21=84 years) and then begins anew. In, with and through the fourth generation the renewal breaks in each case. According to Toel, the renewed Germany seen by him will have asserted itself in about 10 years, when 84 years are fulfilled. Voilá.
  • The Scottish historian Alexander Fraser Tytler (1747–1813) discovered already in the 18th century the nine-stage-cyclic course of history.

The nine stations of the Tytler cycle – rise and decline of empires

“Great nations rise and fall. The people go
1. From bondage to spiritual truth (faith),
2. From spiritual truth / faith to great courage,
3. From courage to liberty,
4. From liberty to abundance,
5. From abundance to selfishness,
6. From selfishness to complacency,
7. From complacency to apathy,
8. From apathy to dependence,
9. From dependence back to bondage once more.”

Station 9 of the Tytler cycle: Germany, shaken by crises and corruption, in the midst of the “dysfunctional home” EU Europe, and the world have visibly and tangibly fallen into bondage through decrees in the Corona plandemic. Station 1 of the Tytler cycle: Germany and the world are facing a decisive new beginning. From bondage (bondage) humans finds back to the spirit of truth and to a deepened spirituality.
William Toel had to be patient for 3.5 decades before the ground was prepared for him to actually deliver the message that had been conveyed to him by spirit to the ordinary Germans at the grassroots level. Only when the time is ripe, the tide turns for a spirited new beginning.

Tripartite models

The downward trend triggered by the progressive materialization of the German spirit in the direction of servitude did not begin in 1945, but as early as 1840, when the German idealism faded out. From then on the intellectual property of the “poets and thinkers” was less and less in demand.
William Toel sees the key to restructuring in the German model of politics, economics and social welfare.
The mathematician and humanities scholar Axel Burkart (*1951) refers to the model of social threefolding conceptualized a hundred years ago by Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925), whose three members act autonomously (separately) and exist interactively side by side and with each other. All three together form a unified human organism.

It is difficult enough to understand that the science of social threefolding, which has to be completely rethought, is reality and not theory. We are all interrelated in the three limbs — politics, economy, spiritual life. Whatever we do, we influence the whole. We must learn to perceive these laws — scientifically.
So how do we change society? By separating politics and economy and freeing the spiritual life. There are already several new parties in Germany that have this in their program. The new parties will appear this year. People are beginning to consider it. However, unfortunately, it may probably take a few decades. And that will be a turbulent time.
Axel Burkart, Kurz Nachgefragt bei Axel Burkart, presented by FAIR TALK, minute 54:01, posted 22. April 2021


This article appeared first in German here:



Elfriede Ammann

curator / author of the bilingual data collection SpiritualWiki (2006-now) social work • metaphysics • interpreter • translator • writer • INFP