Rape culture, ingrained for millennia, has it that women and men fail to notice how much they actively or passively partake in severe damage. Since Western men and women are nominally equal, women no longer subscribe to sex trade concepts consciously. Nevertheless, imprinted and programmed, women subconsciously think, “I must please the man first” not minding their own standards. In subtle or gross ways women allow and comply to submission that is expected and wanted of them. They find it hard to say “no” to a man’s wishes. To be real in their yes women need to be honored, supported and loved — in their no.
╰⊰✿ Women, listen for your internal “no”. Speak it.
Regain your voice which you have lost at age 11–12.
╰⊰✿ Men, cherish her spoken “no”. It means that she trusts you.
Men, you may not know it yet, that you want women to be real in their yes.
When a woman trusts you enough to say “no” following her inner guidance,
men tell her, “I love you and respect your sovereign choice.”
Mean it and show it – every time.
Regain your heart* which you have lost at age 5–7.
That way men and women heal the relational sex wound on both sides and give birth to a more authentic world.
Transforming rankist rape culture into digntiarian consent culture