Have a listen to:
Video interview with Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent researcher, political analyst, blogger, lecturer, author, On the Huxleys, Gordon Wasson, Terence McKenna, Esalen, Psychedelics, 2012 & Mind Control, podcast #151, presented by Gnostic Media Research & Publishing, “Turn the Tables” series, host Sarah, recorded in Santa Barbara, California, 21. September 2012, YouTube film, minute 24:24, 1:09:50 duration, posted 21. September 2012
- The ties between [Charles] Darwin, Thomas Huxley, Julian [Huxley], and Aldous [Huxley] [Brave New World], down to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and Michael Coe, Ph.D. (1929–2019) and Theodosius Dobhzanski (1900–1975) to Esalen, and down to Terence McKenna (1946–2000) are incredible to contemplate, especially when considering that Aldous was a key founder of the Esalen Institute, and Esalen has been a key promoter in using psychedelics for “evolution” all the while hiding the Huxley family’s deep connections to eugenics, humanism, et al. (for those who don’t know, humanism is the practice the elites use to get we the slaves to give up our autonomy to the greater religion of statism — ultimately them.)
Article by Jan Irvin, US American independent researcher, blogger, founder and host of Gnostic Media Podcast, lecturer, author, How Darwin, Huxley, and the Esalen Institute launched the 2012 and psychedelic revolutions — and began one of the largest mind control operations in history. Some brief notes, 28. August 2012, updated 30. March 2013 - The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human. ⚡ Aldous Huxley (1894–1963) English US American visionary humanist, pacifist, counterculture hero, poet, dystopian essayist, writer on parapsychology and philosophical mysticism, The Olive Tree, Harper & Brothers, 1936